In the last few months we have a little AWOL. We didn’t meet the DEFT ZERO deadlines and we apologize for that.
What’s DEFT ZERO? This new mini DEFT distro is fully optimized for the acquisition and hashing of mass storage devices, in just 400 MB! Due DEFT Zero’s light weight and the fact that it can be loaded entirely into RAM at computer boot, it allows you virtually to turn any computer (even a really obsolete one) into a storage media cloner device.
The project is at an advanced stage of development: in other words DEFT Zero is almost ready! Now, therefore, we decided to release the final public BETA of DEFT Zero. Why is it still in beta? Because it currently has a bug (we’re about to solve it) on cloning of mass storage hard disc with a Linux LVM. Despite the alteration does not change time references or files status, we strongly recommend to not use deft zero to acquire this kind of device.